Advocacy Group

The National Union of Professional Drivers Through the Advocacy Group Legal Department, it provides you with a team of lawyers to defend the rights derived from the execution of transport activities.

1) Submission of the diligences for the establishment of the PFA caen transport code,

2) Contesting the minutes concluded by police officers on any type of normative act that regulates the traffic on public roads / transports,

3) Representation in the relationship with the Insurers (indemnities)

* To benefit from the services provided by Advocacy Group you must be a member of "U.N.C.A.L." annual fee paid! For comunication purposes use


Asociatia va pune la dispozitie o echipa de avocati prin departamentul juridic Advocacy Group pentru:

apararea drepturilor derivate din executarea activitatilor de transport.

1) Depunerea diligentelor pentru infintarea PFA-ului cod caen transporturi,

2) Contestarea proceselor verbale incheiate de agenti de politie pe orice tip de act normativ care reglementeaza circulatia pe drumurile publice/transporturi,

3) Reprezentare in relatia cu Asiguratorii( despagubiri)

* Pentru a beneficia de serviciile asigurate de Advocacy Group trebuie sa fiti membru "U.N.C.A.L." cotizatia anuala platita! Pentru comunicare folositi